always to your advantage

When you need an ally who cares about the long-term health of your investments
and has the knowledge to make smart moves
No pressure. Just straight talk.


energy game.

Got an energy-related letter you can’t understand? Want clarity on a bill or violation?

Even if you didn’t bother reading it. Even if you don’t need any other services.

And we’ll explain it to you—gladly


Our exclusive software reveals data points about your
property’s energy usage.

With those valuable insights, we guide you toward

Improved operational efficiency

Improved operational efficiency

Predictions make you smarter

Get help deciding whether or not to replace equipment, move operations out of state, or make changes to the daily schedule.

Financing for your upgrades

Financing for your upgrades

Don’t pay out-of-pocket

Ask about grants and unsecured loans so you can invest in energy efficiency upgrades with zero capital upfront.

Accurate classification and billing

Accurate classification and billing

Don’t pay more than you should

We’ll comb your bills to spot errors and reassess your service classification so you never overpay.

Energy supply independence

Energy supply independence

Control your costs

As an independent consultancy, we encourage you to choose the supplier with the best rates for your property.

Diagnosing energy leaks

energy leaks

Save, save, save

Install monitoring devices on all your equipment to track usage, find leaks, and measure inefficiencies.

Reduced demand charges

Reduced demand charges

Lower your year-round bills

Our rates are calculated based on your usage during select peak hours. We’ll notify you in advance on those days so you can minimize your usage and save.

Need help with any of these?
Something else draining you today?

Our software can do great things with your data, but it can’t read your mind. Yet 🙂

No pressure. Just straight talk.

Moshe of NY shares:
“EZ Energy Services has a great portfolio of services to help companies manage the complicated energy industry. Their advanced knowledge of the market and state-of-the-art tools can help any company save money, improve energy efficiency, and prepare for any legislation.
Moshe Moskowitz, NY
Trustpilot Review

Comply with the new “Green Laws” the EZ way

with an eye toward long-term sustainability

but at a pace that works for now

Don’t get hit with avoidable fines.

We’ve helped 500+ properties comply with local laws, and we’ll help you, too!

No pressure. Just straight talk.

Take it from Toni Zee:
“We hired EZ Energy Services to perform our NYC benchmarking. EZ was both economical and fast. They realized time was of the essence in order for us to avoid a second fine. After we filed, EZ also worked on our behalf to remove us from the benchmarking requirement list. (We are a small condo community and can be removed but can not simply ignore the requirement.)
After assisting with the benchmarking we reached out to EZ for a recommendation for our gas line inspections. EZ did not disappoint. They referred us to an equally responsive and fast master plumbing company. EZ is a good company that really cares about its clients and also has connections to other equally great professionals in other fields.
Toni Zee, White Beach Condominiums, Bronx, NY
Trustpilot Review

Ask us anything energy

  • Should I move my manufacturing operations to another state?
  • Why are my demand charges so high?
  • Can you sit down with me and explain my electric bill?
  • Should I be billed by ‘time of use’?
  • What must I really do to comply with LL97?
  • If I invest 12K in a new HVAC System, how much of a reduction can I expect on my electric bill?
  • Is it good to have estimated bills? Am I saving $?
  • Should I lock in at this rate?
  • What are the most cost-effective ways to make this property more energy efficient?

Everyone has questions. And everyone deserves answers.

And we’ll explain things to you—gladly